To understand and analyse your unique business challenges and identify solutions
achieve your objectives
All the appropriate business processes, individuals, systems, partners and
Key Activities
- Interviews with key stakeholders
- Analysis of existing process documentation and performance measures
- Technical analysis of your systems infrastructure and process flows
- Assessment of key risks
- Understanding mapping all challenges , opportunities and your objectives to
specific technical solutions
- Developing a transformation roadmap from the existing position and
to the proposed solution
- Written report covering:
- overview of system infrastructure and technology change process
- risk matrix
- problems / opportunities map
- proposed solution and dependencies
- transformation road-map with key value drivers and measures
- Walk-through the findings and suggested solutions
- Q&A session
- Your go / no-go decision on particular solution
Prove the solution(s) will work with a prototype or test
The appropriate process and individuals and systems
Key Activities
- Set-up of prototype environment
- Selection of key value drivers and risks to be tested
- Development of working prototype
- Testing the prototype against the performance measures and risks
- Analysing results and writing reports
- Prototype of key working functions (key value drivers) to prove their
- Testing report of the above and assessment of the outcomes vs target
- Suggestions report of changes of direction where needed based on results of
- Your go / no-go decision to continue to MVP or straight to E2E
To scope, deliver and deploy the full end-to-end solution based on mutual
drawn from previous phases
Set during this phase but likely to include extended stakeholders, processes and
systems from previous phases
Key Activities
- Definition and agreement of scope of project
- Establishment of project management office and budget approval
- Mobilisation of project team (including procurement where needed)
- High-level business and technical design and creation of all workstreams
- Gap analysis and high-level plan preparation
- Change management plan and risk matrix
- Finalisation of detailed plans and roadmap
- Deployment of all workstreams as per approved plans;
- Establish iterative and agile based development framework and processes
- Data migration or/and integrations
- Continuous unit testing and quality assurance reporting
- UAT testing and bug fixing;
- End-to-end testing and final adjustments
- Deployment to pre-product environment and smoke testing
- Deployment to live environment and system commissioning
- Definition of maintenance and support requirements
- Transition to support Governance
- Design of project board and review processes and timetable
- Regular stakeholder reviews and approvals
- Active monitoring of agreed critical measures
- Proactive problem alerting and resolution
- Issue triaging, escalation and resolution
- Analysis of risks and issues with recognition of recurring patterns
- Fixing identified or raised by users defects
- Proactive product reviews and identification of improvement opportunities
- Service reviews with you to examine performance and opportunities
To assure consistent, uninterrupted and proactively monitored solution continuity
suggestions for improvement
The solution itself as well as any touch point with other systems as well as
Key Activities
- Fully developed (according to scope), tested and deployed solution or
product to live environment
- Full business and technical documentation covering:
- Design documents
- Requirements specification
- Signed stakeholder approval documents
- Set of technical specifications
- Testing reports and corresponding fixes
- Attestation of deployment to Live environment
- Approved transition to support documentation, incl. KPIs and support
- Regular performance reports against agreed measures
- Access to support dashboard, if required
- Inclusion in any escalations, subject to your requirements
- Monthly (typical) physical review meetings
- Access to 24/7 (if needed) monitored support phone, chat and email
- Monthly (typical) report summarising suggested areas of improvement
- Confidence that the whole solution continues to operate effectively a
and provides continuous value to your business and users